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What a show-off! This young whale was putting on quite a display! |
Since the beginning of our journey, we'd barely seen any whales at all. Which is atypical of this area... Normally they're spotted daily. When chatting with other travelers we discover we aren't alone in this world of no-whale spotting.
Yesterday south of Los Frailes on our way towards Cabo San Tacky (our friends arrive manana! Can't wait to see them!) we followed a group of whales. A momma whale and her offspring to our right and bigger larger louder whales further off to our left. Yeah. Most cool.
And scary.
"Don't you just want to jump in the water and swim with them?" Leonard asks me with a huge grin. (Remind me to tell you about my attempt to swim with the dolphins) "Are you crazy? You never go near a baby and its mother! They can be ferocious!" I shudder as I think about how wicked post-partum could be in a mountain sized animal!
"Yeah but... I don't know, I still want to jump in!" Yeah. Signs of an ex-race-car-driver right there. Always in need of finding the most thrilling way to die, that way the memory of you never goes away. "Hey, remember Leonard? You'll never guess what happened to him!"
Moments like these though... they sure remind me of the importance to slow down, take a chill pill (they sell them on every street corner in Mexico), smell the roses and stand in awe of the world's largest living breathing creature (no, I'm not talking about the monster in his pants) and not waste your time dwiddle-ing with the mundane.